Anyway is a comedy that explores the loving yet tumultuous relationship between Danielle and her two children, Chloé and Fred, who have lived in Montreal for 12 years. As Danielle settles into their lives, her interactions with Chloé and Fred highlight the complexities of motherhood, marked by moments of disagreement and deep affection.
Surrounding them are a vibrant cast of characters, including Danielle’s mother Claudette, Chloé’s ex-boyfriend Simon, and an eccentric university professor named Jim. Each character brings humor and wisdom to life’s challenges, often offering unsolicited advice. At the heart of the story are the relatable dynamics between mothers and daughters, filled with “I told you so’s” and a wealth of love.
IMDB: En Tout Cas
Original Title | : | En Tout Cas |
Genre | : | Comedy, Drama |
IMDB Rating | : | 7/10 |
Production Year | : | 2018-2020 |
Run Time | : | 30 X 30' |
Country of Origin | : | Canada |